Category: Female Car Names
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Ileana: Greek The meaning of the car name Ileana From Troy.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Ilsa: Teutonic The meaning of the car name Ilsa Noble maid.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Indria: Sanskrit The meaning of the car name Indria Splendid.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Isadora: Greek The meaning of the car name Isadora Gift of Isis.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Inez: Greek The meaning of the car name Inez Poor, pure, or chaste.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name India: Biblical The meaning of the car name India Praise, law.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Juliana: Latin The meaning of the car name Juliana Youthful.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Nalani: Hawaiian The meaning of the car name Nalani Silence of the heavens.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Nellie: Greek The meaning of the car name Nellie Light.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Westley: English The meaning of the car name Westley From the western farm.