Category: Male Car Names
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Clive: English The meaning of the car name Clive: Cliff.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Cion: Gaelic The meaning of the car name Cion: The affectionate one.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Chomden: Tibetan The meaning of the car name Chomden: Who overcomes the negative.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Chiwen: Mandarin The meaning of the car name Chiwen: Steady, persistent.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Chime: Tibetan The meaning of the car name Chime: That never dies.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Cherika: Amharic The meaning of the car name Cherika: Moon.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Chene: French The meaning of the car name Chene: Oak tree.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Chava: Mayan The meaning of the car name Chava: Earth.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Chandi: Hindu The meaning of the car name Chandi: Silver.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Chalin: Mandarin The meaning of the car name Chalin: Beautiful flower.