Tag: Exotic car names
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Cabal: Arthurian Legend The meaning of the car name Cabal Arthur’s dog used in the hunt for the great boar.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Babs: English The meaning of the car name Babs From the Greek ‘Barbaros’ meaning foreign or strange, one who travels from …
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Babita: Latin The meaning of the car name Babita Foreign woman.
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Babette: Greek The meaning of the car name Babette From the Hebrew ‘Elisheba’, meaning oath of God, or God is satisfaction. …
Gender: Female The origin of the car name Ferika: Teutonic The meaning of the car name Ferika Free.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Feri: Latin The meaning of the car name Feri Free.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Ferguson: Scottish The meaning of the car name Ferguson Son of the first choice.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Fergie: Celtic The meaning of the car name Fergie Rock. A derived name from the Celtic for ‘man’ and ‘choice’.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Ferghus: Celtic The meaning of the car name Ferghus Manly.
Gender: Male The origin of the car name Fedinando: German The meaning of the car name Ferdinando Brave traveler.